Dress Code
Guiding Principle #1: Students are to wear clothing that is appropriate for school, reflects a serious attitude toward learning, and reflects pride in their school.
Guiding Principle #2: Students are to wear clothing that fits. Shirts and blouses must not “fall” off the shoulder or be too short to reveal one’s stomach. Pants and shorts must be hemmed to length. Length of shorts or skirts must be reasonable and must fit. Short shorts or cutoffs are not permitted. Oversized or baggy clothing of any type is not permitted.
The following prohibitive dress code applies to all students including any whose parents have applied for exemption from the Mandatory Standardized Dress Policy.
1. PROHIBITED: Any clothing that emulates gang/tagger attire including but not limited to the following:
A. oversized clothing of any type or pants worn in a sagging style
B. oversized below the knee shorts with rolled up socks covering the calves
C. t-shirts, sweatshirts, or other apparel that fall below the knees
D. t-shirts, sweatshirts, or other apparel with an inappropriate message, drawing or logo
E. defaced military or fatigue-style clothing
F. combat-style boots or boots with steel tips
G. team jerseys
H. studded or spiked belts or jewelry
2. PROHIBITED: Any clothing that allows excessive exposure, including but not limited to the following:
A. no tank tops or muscle shirts for boys
B. no spaghetti straps or visible bra straps for girls
C. bare backs or showing of the mid-section
D. clothing which is too tight
E. shorts or other clothes which expose pockets, undergarments or buttocks
3. PROHIBITED: Other items not appropriate for school, including but not limited to the following:
A. sweatpants, sweat shorts, athletic uniforms, jogging outfits, P.E. clothes or pajamas
B. earrings, spiked plugs or any piercings which are longer than one inch and/or distract from learning
C. facial piercings jewelry cannot have pointed or sharp ends, nor can they be considered a distraction to the learning environment. These must be small and modest for school.
D. excessive make-up or long fingernails
E. hats, hoods or beanies of any type inside of the school buildings (can wear outside, must be worn appropriately)
F. open toe/heel sandals, flip-flops, high heels, loosely tied tennis shoes or “heelies”
G. any type of torn clothing (including jeans and tights)
H. pants must be worn at the waist (no sagging)
I. hair color or shaving art that is not natural or distracts from learning
J. fishnet stockings
1st Offense: Verbal warning.
2nd Offense: Written referral form will be issued and requires a parent signature. A copy will be maintained in the office.
3rd Offense: To be determined by School Administration or staff.