Acceptable Use Contract
Annual Student
Grades Kindergarten thru Adult Ed
Electronic information services and other digital equipment and software, are available to students and teachers in our District who sign the Use Authorization Form. Student users must also have a parent or guardian sign the Parent or Guardian Authorization and a teacher sign the Sponsoring Teacher Authorization.
The Rowland Unified School District strongly believes in the educational value of electronic services, and recognizes the potential of such to support our curriculum and student learning. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. The District will make every effort to protect students and teachers from any misuses or abuses as a result of their experiences with an information service in accordance with Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 5131 and 6163. All users must be continuously on guard to avoid inappropriate and illegal interaction with the information services.
Please read this document carefully. All users of the District electronic information system are subject to the following rules and regulations. As well these like responsibilities, rules and regulations apply for students using their own electronic devices during the school day, a school/district activity, to and from school, and any other incident that disrupts the regular routine of school business. Responsibilities include:
1. Personal Responsibility: As a representative of this school, I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network or electronic devices to the appropriate teacher or administrator. Misuse is viewed as any message(s) sent or received that indicates or suggests pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language, violations of test security or cyberbullying.
2. Acceptable Use: The use of the information system is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of the privilege. Each person who receives an account or access to the electronic system must first participate in a training session with an RUSD faculty member on the proper behavior and use of the network. The site administrator will decide what is appropriate use, and that decision is final. The administration, staff, or faculty of RUSD may request that the site administrator deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts.
3. Network Etiquette and Privacy: The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES are strictly prohibited.
B. USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE. Remember that you are a representative of our school and District on a non-private system. You may be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed by others. Any defamatory, abusive, inaccurate, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, or racially offensive language will not be tolerated.
C. PRIVACY. Do not reveal your home address, personal telephone number(s), sex, age, or the personal information of other students, teachers, or any other persons.
D. ELECTRONIC MAIL. Electronic mail (e-mail) is never guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to, or in support of, illegal activities must be reported to the principal and/or law enforcement.
E. DISRUPTIONS. Do not use the network in any way that would disrupt the use of the network by others. Damage to data, programs, or systems is inappropriate and illegal.
F. COPYRIGHT LAWS. There are many laws that insure that an author’s rights regarding music, videos, multi-media, and writings are not violated. Credit must be given to an author for any communication or information obtained via electronic resources.
G. TEST SECURITY. Do not use an electronic device to carry out any activity that constitutes a material breach of national, state, or local test material. This includes, but is not limited to, posting test content to social media web sites, emailing or texting test content, using tools, applications or web-browsers on mobile devices during testing without permission from the proctor.
4. Services: The Rowland Unified School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. RUSD will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system. These damages include loss of data as a result of delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the system, or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the information system is at your own risk. RUSD specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through its services.
5. Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority because there are so many users. If you suspect a security problem on the network, notify the teacher or principal at once. Never demonstrate the problem to other users. Never disclose your password to another person OR use another person’s password, although you must provide the District with your password. Attempts to log-on to the network as a teacher/administrator will result in cancellation of your user privileges. Any user(s) identified as a security risk, or having a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the information system through any RUSD site.
6. Vandalism: Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment or data of another user or any other agencies or networks that are connected to the system. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading, altering, or creating of computer viruses. Any vandalism will result in the loss of computer services, disciplinary action, law enforcement, legal referral, and financial responsibility.
USER AUTHORIZATION: I understand and will abide by the provisions and conditions of this Contract.
I understand that any violations of the above provisions may result in disciplinary action, the revoking of my user account, and appropriate law enforcement or and/legal action. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to my teacher and/or my principal.
Student’s Name (please print): _____________________________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________ Date: ________________________
PARENT or GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION: As the parent or guardian of the above-named user, I have read this Contract and understand that it is designed for educational purposes. I understand that some materials accessible to network/Internet users may be offensive, illegal, defamatory, or inaccurate, and that although Rowland Unified School District has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to such materials, such exposure may nevertheless occur. With that understanding, I hereby give permission to the Rowland Unified School District to set up a network/Internet account for my child. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Rowland Unified School District, its officers, Board members, employees, and agents, from any and all claims arising from, or related to, my child’s use or misuse of the network/Internet, and waive any and all claims I may have against the District for such use or misuse. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to the site principal.
Parent or Guardian Name (please print): ______________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
SPONSORING TEACHER: I have read this Contract, and agree to promote this agreement with the student. As the sponsoring teacher, I agree to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network, and proper network etiquette. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to the site principal.
Teacher’s Name (please print): _____________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Grades Kindergarten thru Adult Ed
Electronic information services and other digital equipment and software, are available to students and teachers in our District who sign the Use Authorization Form. Student users must also have a parent or guardian sign the Parent or Guardian Authorization and a teacher sign the Sponsoring Teacher Authorization.
The Rowland Unified School District strongly believes in the educational value of electronic services, and recognizes the potential of such to support our curriculum and student learning. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. The District will make every effort to protect students and teachers from any misuses or abuses as a result of their experiences with an information service in accordance with Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 5131 and 6163. All users must be continuously on guard to avoid inappropriate and illegal interaction with the information services.
Please read this document carefully. All users of the District electronic information system are subject to the following rules and regulations. As well these like responsibilities, rules and regulations apply for students using their own electronic devices during the school day, a school/district activity, to and from school, and any other incident that disrupts the regular routine of school business. Responsibilities include:
1. Personal Responsibility: As a representative of this school, I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network or electronic devices to the appropriate teacher or administrator. Misuse is viewed as any message(s) sent or received that indicates or suggests pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language, violations of test security or cyberbullying.
2. Acceptable Use: The use of the information system is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of the privilege. Each person who receives an account or access to the electronic system must first participate in a training session with an RUSD faculty member on the proper behavior and use of the network. The site administrator will decide what is appropriate use, and that decision is final. The administration, staff, or faculty of RUSD may request that the site administrator deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts.
3. Network Etiquette and Privacy: The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES are strictly prohibited.
B. USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE. Remember that you are a representative of our school and District on a non-private system. You may be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed by others. Any defamatory, abusive, inaccurate, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, or racially offensive language will not be tolerated.
C. PRIVACY. Do not reveal your home address, personal telephone number(s), sex, age, or the personal information of other students, teachers, or any other persons.
D. ELECTRONIC MAIL. Electronic mail (e-mail) is never guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to, or in support of, illegal activities must be reported to the principal and/or law enforcement.
E. DISRUPTIONS. Do not use the network in any way that would disrupt the use of the network by others. Damage to data, programs, or systems is inappropriate and illegal.
F. COPYRIGHT LAWS. There are many laws that insure that an author’s rights regarding music, videos, multi-media, and writings are not violated. Credit must be given to an author for any communication or information obtained via electronic resources.
G. TEST SECURITY. Do not use an electronic device to carry out any activity that constitutes a material breach of national, state, or local test material. This includes, but is not limited to, posting test content to social media web sites, emailing or texting test content, using tools, applications or web-browsers on mobile devices during testing without permission from the proctor.
4. Services: The Rowland Unified School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. RUSD will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system. These damages include loss of data as a result of delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the system, or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the information system is at your own risk. RUSD specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through its services.
5. Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority because there are so many users. If you suspect a security problem on the network, notify the teacher or principal at once. Never demonstrate the problem to other users. Never disclose your password to another person OR use another person’s password, although you must provide the District with your password. Attempts to log-on to the network as a teacher/administrator will result in cancellation of your user privileges. Any user(s) identified as a security risk, or having a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the information system through any RUSD site.
6. Vandalism: Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment or data of another user or any other agencies or networks that are connected to the system. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading, altering, or creating of computer viruses. Any vandalism will result in the loss of computer services, disciplinary action, law enforcement, legal referral, and financial responsibility.
USER AUTHORIZATION: I understand and will abide by the provisions and conditions of this Contract.
I understand that any violations of the above provisions may result in disciplinary action, the revoking of my user account, and appropriate law enforcement or and/legal action. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to my teacher and/or my principal.
Student’s Name (please print): _____________________________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________ Date: ________________________
PARENT or GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION: As the parent or guardian of the above-named user, I have read this Contract and understand that it is designed for educational purposes. I understand that some materials accessible to network/Internet users may be offensive, illegal, defamatory, or inaccurate, and that although Rowland Unified School District has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to such materials, such exposure may nevertheless occur. With that understanding, I hereby give permission to the Rowland Unified School District to set up a network/Internet account for my child. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Rowland Unified School District, its officers, Board members, employees, and agents, from any and all claims arising from, or related to, my child’s use or misuse of the network/Internet, and waive any and all claims I may have against the District for such use or misuse. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to the site principal.
Parent or Guardian Name (please print): ______________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
SPONSORING TEACHER: I have read this Contract, and agree to promote this agreement with the student. As the sponsoring teacher, I agree to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network, and proper network etiquette. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to the site principal.
Teacher’s Name (please print): _____________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________